Provide "Automatic-Module-Name" entry in MANIFEST

Issue #429 resolved
Nikita Lipsky created an issue

Jigsaw resolves snakeyaml automatic module name as just snakeyaml. On the other hand, snakeyaml already has OSGI bundle name via Bundle-SymbolicName manifest entry as org.yaml.snakeyaml. I believe that the name should be also chosen as JPMS module name in the future. So to start, you can just add "Automatic-Module-Name" manifest entry.

Now if I reference snakeyaml from a JPMS module I have the following warning from the maven-compiler-plugin:

[WARNING] ********************************************************************************************************************
[WARNING] * Required filename-based automodules detected. Please don't publish this project to a public artifact repository! *
[WARNING] ********************************************************************************************************************

However, my intent is to publish my project ( to Maven Central where I use snakeyml for Jigsaw Layers configuration files. So I can't do that until you give a JPMS name to snakeyaml.