Trailing tab after double quoted string result in parsing failure

Issue #517 open
alvinlin123 created an issue

I am using version 1.27, but I have tried the following using 1.29 too.

Given the following YAML:

  - "foo"
  - "bar"

Where is a tab character the Parser failed with error message: found character '\t(TAB)' that cannot start any token. (Do not use \t(TAB) for indentation)

I do believe the above is valid YAML, and the parsing should pass.

I have copied the YAML to many online validator and they all accept the YAML as valid.

Comments (8)

  1. Wolf2323

    Is this a general problem with 1.27 and 1.29 or is it new in 1.29?

    EDIT: I tested it, and it is not a new behavior. And yes, tabs normally break the parsing.

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