Cannot access wiki documentation without a Bitbucket login

Issue #545 invalid
Reiner Jung created an issue

It seems that a Bitbucket account is necessary to access the documentation in the Wiki. This is quite disturbing and may direct people away from the project.

Comments (4)

  1. Reiner Jung reporter

    I tried to recreate it. However, it does not reproduce the same issue. However, now I have an Bitbucket account and maybe that changed something. Anyway, I try to describe the issue in greater detail.

    1. I visited baeldung page on snakeYAML ( which has a link to the SnakeYAML page (however, it seems to be the wrong one.
    2. Then the page asked for a login. As I am using other Atlassian products, it already logged me in halfway.
    3. I found that odd and searched for your projects homepage and got a link to Bitbucket and github.
    4. I first tried the Bitbucket one, but ended up at the same login page.
    5. Secondly, I tried the github, but that then redirected me to again
    6. So I specified a username for Bitbucket.

    I tried to recreate this with a private browsing window. There the first URL also requires me to login (but this is expected, as it is your private account URL). Then I tried to it in a separate private window with the second URL. That worked.

    So my conclusion so far is, that there might be an issue when people have an Atlassian account and are logged in to these other services, but do not have a Bitbucket account. So this is rather a Atlassian issue. Sorry that I did not recheck before posting.

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