minor breakage with Composer constructor introduced in 1.31

Issue #560 resolved
Larry West created an issue

Commit fc30078 back in April 2022 added this line (#3 here) to the 3-arg constructor for Composer:

    public Composer(Parser parser, Resolver resolver, LoaderOptions loadingConfig) {
       nestingDepthLimit = loadingConfig.getNestingDepthLimit();

prior to that change, passing null as the loadingConfig argument was acceptable in that it caused no problem, and there’s no annotation or documentation that suggests otherwise.

As of 1.31, doing so throws an opaque NullPointerException.

This is easy to fix: e.g., if loadingConfig is null, create a new LoaderOptions() a few lines earlier and thus get the default depth limit of 50, and prevent NPEs from later uses of this.loadingConfig:

        this.loadingConfig = loadingConfig == null ? new LoaderOptions() : loadingConfig;
        nestingDepthLimit = this.loadingConfig.getNestingDepthLimit();

Even just a line of

assert loadingConfig != null : "loadingConfig parameter must not be null";

would be helpful when trouble-shooting.

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