
Issue #15 resolved
Former user created an issue

(Brief introductory blah about the nature of the problem—Shady animations tend to be somewhat robust because they're all func(t), but frame skips can still cause trouble)

System settings

    - Making the stimulus screen your "Main display" in Windows (unfortunately that puts the task bar on it, but we've found
      it necessary on multiple-screens-on-multiple-graphics-cards setup, to ensure that the correct display's frame rate is respected)

    - configuring the desired frame rate on your stimulus display (in Windows: advanced properties -> "Monitor" tab)

    - Graphics card-specific setting ("vertical sync" / "vertical blanking" / VBL)

Assessing timing performance fairly/veridically

    - no custom sizing or frame
    - FOREGROUND THE WINDOW (easy to forget in interactive mode)

Vertical sync issues

    the graphics-card-specific setting, as above

    `Shady.World.SetSwapInterval()` method (see caveats in its docstring: only works with accelerator backend, and only on some platforms/graphics cards)

    tearing test
        from outside python:  `python -m Shady tearing`  (reproduce some of the didactic material in the comments there, esp. what to look for)
        from inside python:    `Shady.TearingTest( world )`  # or something like that---verify prototype of `Shady.Utilities.TearingTest`

Then it's the programmer's own responsibility to ensure frame-to-frame computation isn't excesssive
    - on CPU (dynamics etc)
    - on GPU (too many stimuli, especially if they overlap heavily --> more than one screenful of pixels)

    Diagnostic tools:

        `Shady.FrameIntervalGauge <Shady.Utilities.FrameIntervalGauge>`
            requires numpy
            causes *some* frame-to-frame overhead itself, but much less than a text fps meter would in Shady
            what to look for

        `Shady.PlotTimings <Shady.Utilities.PlotTimings>`
            requires numpy, matplotlib
            maybe show screenshot with and without `world.debugTiming=True`

            from outside python:  `python -m Shady timings LOGFILENAME`

    Gotchas within Shady - significant image-generation work done on CPU, and data transferred CPU->GPU, both in violation of Shady's own usual principles:
        1. Shady.Text re-rendering (but only if there's an actual de-facto change in any .text.* properties)
        2. Shady.Video decoding (whenever there's a new frame)

        (you can reproduce/summarize some of the didactic material from `python -m Shady demo showcase`, where both of these gotchas are mentioned)

    ...and any other failures to ruthlessly optimize your own computations---refer the reader to `python -m Shady demo dots2` to
    see what a difference different strategies can make (and maybe summarize some of that material)

    Also note the impact of concurrent NON-Shady operations. See the note at the end of the :doc:`Concurrency` document
    about multi-threading in Python.

Anything else you can think of.

Note the way that python/Shady/rst/*.rst are numbered. Somewhere from 056 to 079 would seem to be the appropriate logical place in the sequence.

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