linux woes

Issue #29 resolved
Jeremy Hill created an issue

Observed on Ubuntu Desktop 14.x in Virtual Box with macOS High Sierra as host:

  1. segfault on glFenceSync statement - possibly because we create a legacy (OpenGL 2.1) context by default, and glFenceSync is supposed to be an OpenGL 3.2+ thing. Can be temporarily worked around by sacrificing time-locking, by saying --syncType=0 (TODO: try --syncType=3)

  2. segfault when starting with --legacy=False (tracked down to glBindFramebuffer() in QueryDACMax() ). This is possibly because GLFW has actually failed to create a modern context (GLSL version is still reported as 1.20). TODO: try --openglContextVersion=330 and if that works, link --openglContextVersion and --legacy with the same logic as on macOS.

  3. blocking/extreme slowing of mouse & keyboard input while running the World

Observed on Ubuntu 18.x running natively on Lenovo Horizon II:

  1. Cannot use more than one texture unit—textures crosstalk into each other. Fixed.

  2. World dimensions are wrong (menu-bar and task bar)

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