demo mode (using MainLoop() as World._thread_hijacker) incompatible with pyglet windowing on Windows

Issue #9 wontfix
Jeremy Hill created an issue

python -m Shady demo dots3 --backend=pyglet

Leads to NotImplementedError: abstract raised from pyglet's get_screens() method which is called by's call to pyglet.canvas.Display().get_default_screen()

Comments (3)

  1. Jeremy Hill reporter

    ...of course, if simple threaded operation took precedence over the thread hijacker on Windows, this problem might go away...

  2. Jeremy Hill reporter

    Doesn't seem to be a threading issue: printf debugging confirms that in all cases the offending call is running in the main thread, and that pyglet has not previously been imported. Why it works in one situation ( --console=None) and not another is probably a deep and stupid issue within pyglet. Others have reported the same error message and that it is new with pyglet 1.3.1 ( ) and indeed downgrading to pyglet 1.2.4 seems to avoid the issue.

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