
Alexander Hanel ObfStrReplacer

Updated by Alexander Hanel

File Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
         public var lIll1III111I11:String;
         public var llll1III111I11:String;
         public var ))ll1III111I11:String;
+    The output is saved to a file with the original file name with ".d" as an extension. The output for
+    would be
 -t use this option to test the regex pattern and print the found strings. Output
     Match on "s 1I111IIIlllIl1 e" at 98:116 in
     Match on "1:IIll1III111I11;" at 256:274 in
     Match on "r lI111IIIlllIl19:u" at 292:311 in
     Match on "r ll111IIIlllIl1:u" at 338:356 in
--g is the glob file pattern. It is optional. If In the example above it will oly match files that end with "as"
+-g is the glob file pattern. It is optional. If In the example above it will only match files that end with "as"
Created by Alexander Hanel

File Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+__author__ = "Alexander Hanel"
+__version__ = "1.0"
+__contact__ = "alexander<dot>hanel<at>gmail<dot>com"
+__date__ = "2015/06"
+Command line example
+python -r "[)|1|I|l|9|\+|]{10,}" -g "*as"
+-r is the regex pattern.
+    Please place the regex in quotes . The regex pattern  "[)|1|I|l|9|\+|]{10,}" would match the random looking
+    strings as seen below.
+        public var Illl1III111I11:String;
+        public var lIll1III111I11:String;
+        public var llll1III111I11:String;
+        public var ))ll1III111I11:String;
+-t use this option to test the regex pattern and print the found strings. Output
+    Match on "s 1I111IIIlllIl1 e" at 98:116 in
+    Match on "r Il111IIIlllIl1:O" at 157:175 in
+    Match on " _lllIII111I11:C" at 201:217 in
+    Match on "r 1Ill1III111I11:I" at 241:259 in
+    Match on "1:IIll1III111I11;" at 256:274 in
+    Match on "r lI111IIIlllIl19:u" at 292:311 in
+    Match on "r ll111IIIlllIl1:u" at 338:356 in
+-g is the glob file pattern. It is optional. If In the example above it will oly match files that end with "as"
+import sys
+import re
+import glob
+import os
+import argparse
+class ObfStrReplacer():
+    """
+    A module that can be used to de-obfuscate code by searching
+    for strings that match a regular express pattern and replace
+    them with more readable characters.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.regex_pattern = None
+        self.compiled_regex = None
+        self.file_glob_pattern = None
+        self.test_regex = False
+        self.script_name = None
+        self.globbed_files = None
+        self.word_list = [
+                "abacus",  "iota",  "nu", "baryon", "ceres", "dean", "zipf",
+                "mu", "epsilon", "lune", "fermat", "gamma", "carat", "gaudi",
+                "ides", "alpha", "iris", "julia", "tare", "omicron", "pascal",
+                "kappa", "aeon", "umbra", "secant", "lambda", "beta", "lemma",
+                "eta", "mars", "nocebo", "occam", "chaos", "arc", "omega",
+                "xenon", "pareto", "locus", "psi", "rho", "delta", "sigma",
+                "pi", "simson", "tau", "gnomen", "theta", "atlas", "upsilon",
+                "phi", "venus", "ogive", "surd", "xi", "zeta", "sabot", "chi",
+                "kite"]
+        self.match_set = set([])
+        self.names = []
+        self.name_mapping = {}
+    def get_args(self):
+        """
+        gets the command line arguments.
+        """
+        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+            description='Replaces strings matched by a regular expression with more \
+                        distinguishable text/strings.')
+        parser.add_argument('-r', '--regex', type=str, required=True, help="regex pattern for search and replace")
+        parser.add_argument('-g', '--glob', type=str, help="glob file pattern to search in")
+        parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', action='store_true', help="only print found strings that match regex")
+        args = parser.parse_args()
+        # assign arguments
+        self.regex_pattern = args.regex
+        # default is all files in the current working directory
+        if args.glob is None:
+            self.file_glob_pattern = "*"
+        else:
+            self.file_glob_pattern = args.glob
+        self.test_regex = args.test
+        self.script_name = parser.prog
+    def get_files(self):
+        """
+        uses glob to get paths & names of files. Removes script from the list
+        """
+        try:
+            self.globbed_files = glob.glob(self.file_glob_pattern)
+        except:
+            print " * ERROR: Glob failed, aborting."
+        # remove script from list
+        if self.script_name in self.globbed_files:
+            self.globbed_files.remove(self.script_name)
+        # verify glob results
+        if not self.globbed_files:
+            print " * ERROR: No matches for glob file pattern, aborting."
+            os._exit(1)
+    def compile_regex(self):
+        """
+        verifies the regex pattern can be compiled
+        """
+        try:
+            self.compiled_regex = re.compile(self.regex_pattern)
+        except:
+            print " * ERROR: regex pattern compiling failed, aborting."
+            os._exit(1)
+    def get_matches(self):
+        """
+        get all matches
+        """
+        file_data = None
+        for file_name in self.globbed_files:
+            with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
+                file_data =
+                for match in re.finditer(self.compiled_regex, file_data):
+                    self.match_set.add(file_data[match.start():match.end()].rstrip())
+    def print_regex_matches(self):
+        """
+        prints all matches
+        """
+        file_data = None
+        for file_name in self.globbed_files:
+            with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
+                file_data =
+                for match in re.finditer(self.compiled_regex, file_data):
+                    try:
+                        s = match.start() - 2
+                    except:
+                        s = match.start()
+                    try:
+                        e = match.end() +  2
+                    except:
+                        e = match.end()
+                    print 'Match on "%s" at %d:%d in %s' % (file_data[s:e].rstrip(), s, e, file_name)
+    def create_str(self):
+        """
+        constructs unique strings
+        """
+        len_set = len(self.word_list)
+        temp_name_list = []
+        temp_str = ""
+        for count,name in enumerate(self.match_set):
+            temp_str = "_" + self.word_list[count % len_set]
+            if temp_str in temp_name_list:
+                while True:
+                    temp_str = "_" + self.word_list[count % len_set] + "_" + str(count)
+                    count += 1
+                    if temp_str not in temp_name_list:
+                        break
+            temp_name_list.append(temp_str)
+        # should never happen
+        self.names = temp_name_list
+        if not self.names:
+            print " * ERROR: no names created, aborting."
+            os._exit(1)
+    def string_to_name(self):
+        """
+        map string to regex match
+        """
+        if len(self.names) == len(self.match_set):
+            for count, name in enumerate(self.match_set):
+                self.name_mapping[name] = self.names[count]
+        else:
+            print " * ERROR: logic bug. length of name and matches incorrect, aborting."
+            os._exit(1)
+    def replace_str(self):
+        """
+        replace regex match with generated string
+        """
+        # names sorted the largest match is done first. If not sub-strings
+        names_sorted = sorted(list(self.match_set), key=len)[::-1]
+        for file_name in self.globbed_files:
+            with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
+                file_data =
+                for key in names_sorted:
+                    file_data = file_data.replace(key, self.name_mapping[key])
+            with open(file_name + ".d", 'w') as ff:
+                ff.write(file_data)
+    def run(self):
+        self.get_args()
+        self.get_files()
+        self.compile_regex()
+        if self.test_regex:
+            self.print_regex_matches()
+            return
+        self.get_matches()
+        self.create_str()
+        self.string_to_name()
+        self.replace_str()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    xx = ObfStrReplacer()

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