
Freddy Jr Asynchronous Camera API (ACamera)

Created by Freddy Jr last modified Final Calibur
package scripts.fc.api.viewport;

import org.tribot.api.General;
import org.tribot.api.interfaces.Positionable;
import org.tribot.api2007.Camera;
import org.tribot.api2007.Camera.ROTATION_METHOD;
import org.tribot.api2007.Player;
import org.tribot.script.Script;
 * @author Final Calibur & WastedBro (no specific order)
public class ACamera 
	//Local constants
	private final int ROTATION_THRESHOLD = 30; //We will not change the rotation when turning to a tile if the current rotation is +- this amount from the optimal value
	private final int ANGLE_THRESHOLD = 15; //Same as above, but for angle
    //Private instance fields
    private RotationThread rotationThread; //The thread that will handle camera rotation
    private AngleThread angleThread; //The thread that will handle camera angle 
    private Script script; //The script we are handling the camera for. This is so we can know when to shut off the threads.
    private boolean runsWithoutScript;
     * Normal, widely used constructor
     * If you use this constructor, the threads
     * will terminate automatically when you end the script
     * associated with this object.
    public ACamera(Script s)
     * Default constructor.
     * Threads will keep running even after you end the script.
     * This can be useful for "background" scripts such as a bot farm manager
     * for example.
    public ACamera()
    	runsWithoutScript = true;
     *	This method instantiates all of our variables for us.
     *	I decided to make this method because it makes instantiating the variables in the constructors less redundant.
    private void instantiateVars(Script s)
    	script = s;
        rotationThread = new RotationThread();
        rotationThread.setName("ACamera Rotation Thread");
        angleThread = new AngleThread();
        angleThread.setName("ACamera Angle Thread");
        Camera.setRotationMethod(ROTATION_METHOD.ONLY_KEYS); //DON'T CHANGE THIS
    public void setCameraAngle(int angle)
	    	angleThread.sleepTime = calculateSleepTime();
	    	angleThread.angle = angle;
    public void setCameraRotation(int rotation)
	    	rotationThread.rotation = rotation;
    public void turnToTile(Positionable tile)
        int optimalAngle = adjustAngleToTile(tile);
        int optimalRotation = Camera.getTileAngle(tile);
        if(Math.abs(optimalAngle - Camera.getCameraAngle()) > ANGLE_THRESHOLD)
        	setCameraAngle(optimalAngle + General.random(-12, 12));
        if(Math.abs(optimalRotation - Camera.getCameraRotation()) > ROTATION_THRESHOLD)
        	setCameraRotation(optimalRotation + General.random(-30, 30));    
    private long calculateSleepTime()
    	int diff = Math.abs(Camera.getCameraRotation() - rotationThread.rotation);
    	int minTime = (int)(diff * 2.0);
    	int maxTime = (int)(diff * 3.0);
    	return (General.random(minTime, maxTime));
    public int adjustAngleToTile(Positionable tile)
    	//Distance from player to object - Used in calculating the optimal angle.
    	//Objects that are farther away require the camera to be turned to a lower angle to increase viewing distance.
    	int distance = Player.getPosition().distanceTo(tile);
    	//The angle is calculated by taking the max height (100, optimal for very close objects),
    	//and subtracting an arbitrary number (I chose 6 degrees) for every tile that it is away.
    	int angle = 100 - (distance * 6);
    	return angle;
    private class RotationThread extends Thread
        protected int rotation = Camera.getCameraRotation();
        public synchronized void run() 
        		while((script != null && script.isActive()) || runsWithoutScript)
        	catch(Exception e)
        		General.println("Error initiating wait on angle thread.");
    private class AngleThread extends Thread
    	protected int angle = Camera.getCameraAngle();
    	protected long sleepTime = 0;
    	public synchronized void run() 
    			while((script != null && script.isActive()) || runsWithoutScript)
    		catch(Exception e)
    			General.println("Error initiating wait on angle thread.");

    public RotationThread getRotationThread() 
        return rotationThread;

    public AngleThread getAngleThread() 
        return angleThread;
    public Script getScript() 
    	return script;

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