
Jesse Williams SFB Audio Controller Converted to C# (Unity)

Created by Jesse Williams
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class AudioClips
	public string		_name;
	public AudioClip[]	audioClips;
	public float		volume			= 1.0f;
	public bool			volumeBySpeed	= false;
	public float		minVolume		= 0.2f;
	public bool			pitchBySpeed	= false;
	public float		minPitch		= 1.0f;
	public float		maxPitch		= 1.0f;

public class AudioController_SFB_C : MonoBehaviour {

	public AudioClips[]	audioClipsArray;						// Array of single use audio clips
	public AudioClips[]	audioLoopsArray;						// Array of loops
	public bool			pitchByTimescale	= true;

	private float	minLoopVolume		= 0.2f;		// Minimum volume for loop adjusted by speed
	private float	maxLoopVolume		= 1.0f;		// Maximum volume for loop adjusted by speed
	private bool	volumeBySpeed		= false;	// Should we adjust volume by speed?
	private bool	pitchBySpeed		= false;	// Should we adjust the pitch by speed?
	private float	pitchMin			= 1.0f;		// Desired min Pitch
	private float	pitchMax			= 1.0f;		// Desired max pitch
	private float	desiredPitch		= 1.0f;		// Desired Pitch
	private float	desiredMin			= 0.0f;		// The goal minimum volume
	private float	desiredMax			= 1.0f;		// The goal maximum volume
	private float	volumeMin			= 0.0f;		// The current minimum
	private float	volumeMax			= 1.0f;		// The current maximum
	private float	volumeSpeed			= 1.0f;		// Speed modifier for volume changes
	private bool	isWalking			= false;	// Are we walking?
	private bool	isFlying			= false;	// Are we flying?

	AudioSource	audioSource;					// Default volume for current looped clip
	Animator	animator;

	void Start ()
		audioSource			= GetComponent<AudioSource>();
		animator			= GetComponent<Animator>();

	void Update ()
		if (audioSource.isPlaying)

	void CheckLoop()
		AnimatorStateInfo animatorStateInfo	= animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);
		if ((animatorStateInfo.IsName("Base Layer.Ground Locomotion")) && animator.GetFloat("locomotion") != 0f && !isWalking)
			isWalking		= true;
			StartLoop("Walking Loop");
		if (isWalking && (!animatorStateInfo.IsName("Base Layer.Ground Locomotion") || animator.GetFloat("locomotion") == 0.0f))
			isWalking		= false;
		if ((animatorStateInfo.IsName("Base Layer.Air Locomotion") || animatorStateInfo.IsName("Base Layer.ground to air")) && !isFlying)
			isFlying		= true;
			StartLoop("Flying Loop");
		if (isFlying && (!animatorStateInfo.IsName("Base Layer.Air Locomotion") 
			&& !animatorStateInfo.IsName("Base Layer.ground to air")
			&& !animatorStateInfo.IsName("Base dodge")
			&& !animatorStateInfo.IsName("Base hit")))
			isFlying		= false;

		if (!isWalking && !isFlying)

	void UpdateVolume()
		if (volumeMin != desiredMin)
			volumeMin			= Mathf.MoveTowards(volumeMin, desiredMin, volumeSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
		if (volumeMax != desiredMax)
			volumeMax			= Mathf.MoveTowards(volumeMax, desiredMax, volumeSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
		audioSource.volume		= volumeMax;
		if (volumeBySpeed)
			audioSource.volume	= Mathf.Clamp(audioSource.volume * Mathf.Abs(animator.GetFloat("locomotion")), volumeMin, volumeMax);
		if (audioSource.volume	== 0.0f)
			volumeBySpeed		= false;

	void UpdatePitch()
		if (pitchBySpeed)
			float pitchRangeNegative	= 1.0f - pitchMin;
			float pitchRangePositive	= pitchMax - 1.0f;
			float locomotion			= animator.GetFloat("locomotion");
			if (locomotion > 0.0f)
				desiredPitch 	= 1.0f + (pitchRangePositive * locomotion);
			else if (locomotion < 0.0f)
				desiredPitch 	= 1.0f + (pitchRangeNegative * locomotion);
				desiredPitch	= 1.0f;
			desiredPitch	= 1.0f;
		audioSource.pitch	= Mathf.MoveTowards(audioSource.pitch, desiredPitch, Time.deltaTime);
		if (pitchByTimescale)
			audioSource.pitch	= audioSource.pitch * Time.timeScale;

	void PlayAudio(string name)
		int id					= AudioClipID(name);
		float volume			= audioClipsArray[id].volume;
		AudioClip audioClip		= audioClipsArray[id].audioClips[Random.Range(0,audioClipsArray[id].audioClips.Length)];
		if (audioClipsArray[id].volumeBySpeed)
			volume				= Mathf.Clamp(volume * Mathf.Abs(animator.GetFloat("locomotion")), audioClipsArray[id].minVolume, audioClipsArray[id].volume);
		AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(audioClip, transform.position, volume);

	void StartLoop(string name)
		int id				= AudioLoopID(name);
		desiredMin			= audioLoopsArray[id].minVolume;
		desiredMax			= audioLoopsArray[id].volume;
		minLoopVolume		= audioLoopsArray[id].minVolume;
		maxLoopVolume		= audioLoopsArray[id].volume;
		volumeBySpeed		= audioLoopsArray[id].volumeBySpeed;
		pitchBySpeed		= audioLoopsArray[id].pitchBySpeed;
		pitchMin			= audioLoopsArray[id].minPitch;
		pitchMax			= audioLoopsArray[id].maxPitch;
		AudioClip audioClip	= audioLoopsArray[id].audioClips[Random.Range(0,audioLoopsArray[id].audioClips.Length)];
		audioSource.clip	= audioClip;

	void StopLoop()
		desiredMin			= 0.0f;
		desiredMax			= 0.0f;

	int AudioClipID(string name)
		for (int i = 0; i < audioClipsArray.Length; i++){
			if (audioClipsArray[i]._name == name)
				return i;

		return -1;

	int AudioLoopID(string name)
		for (int i = 0; i < audioLoopsArray.Length; i++){
			if (audioLoopsArray[i]._name == name)
				return i;

		return -1;

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