
Jenny Rasmussen Sanitized Create Card Code

Created by Jenny Rasmussen

require_once 'trello_config.php';
require_once 'trello_api.php';

$days_of_the_week = array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday');
$months_of_the_year = array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December');

//Yearly To Do
$annual_checklist = array('To Do',

//Monthly To Do
//Checking Account (manual pay)
$bills_checklist = array('Checking Account' => array('Housing',
'Credit Card',
'Student Loans',
//Credit Card (auto pay)
'Credit Card' => array('Cell Phone',
'Cost $$$'));

//Weekly To Do
$weekly_checklist = array(array('Exercise the Pooch','Grocery Shopping','Laundry','Language Lessons'),
array('Exercise the Pooch','Workout','Language Lesson'),
array('Exercise the Pooch','Workout','Take the garbage/recycle out','Language Lesson'),
array('Exercise the Pooch','Workout','Language Lesson'),
array('Exercise the Pooch','Workout','Language Lesson'),
array('Exercise the Pooch','Workout','Language Lesson'),
array('Exercise the Pooch','Language Lesson'));

//Grocery Shopping List
$grocery_checklist = array('Milk','Chocolate Milk','Fruit','Veggies');

//figure out what day of the week/month it is
$date_array = getdate();

//is it Sunday, first of the month, or 1 December?
if ($date_array['wday'] == 0 || $date_array['wday'] == 5 || $date_array['mday'] == 1 || ($date_array['mon'] == 12 && $date_array['mday'] == 1))
	//create Trello instance
	$trello_instance = new trello_api($key,$secret,$token);
	//Weekly (Sunday)
	if ($date_array['wday'] == 0)
		//create card
		$card_data = array(
			'name' => ('To Do for Week of ' . date('j F Y', strtotime('+1 weeks'))),
			'idList' => '//List ID goes here',
			'labels' => 'yellow',
			'pos' => 'top'

		//post card
		$card = $trello_instance->request('POST','/1/cards', $card_data);

		//create checklist
		for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++)
			$checklist = $trello_instance->request('POST', '/1/checklists', array('idCard' => $card->id, 'name' => $days_of_the_week[$i]));

			//push checklist to card
			foreach ($weekly_checklist[$i] as $checklist_item) 
				$trello_instance->request('POST', ('/1/checklists/' . $checklist->id . '/checkItems'), array('name' => $checklist_item));
	//If it's Friday, make a grocery list
	if ($date_array['wday'] == 5)
		//create card
		$card_data = array(
			'name' => ('Grocery List'),
			'idList' => '//List ID goes here',
			'labels' => 'yellow',
			'pos' => 'top'

		//post card
		$card = $trello_instance->request('POST','/1/cards', $card_data);
		//create checklist
		$checklist = $trello_instance->request('POST', '/1/checklists', array('idCard' => $card->id));

		//push checklist to card
		foreach ($grocery_checklist as $checklist_item) {
			$trello_instance->request('POST', ('/1/checklists/' . $checklist->id . '/checkItems'), array('name' => $checklist_item));

	//Monthly (First of the Month)
	if ($date_array['mday'] == 1)
		//push different quarterly check items to end of Credit Card List
		if ($date_array['mon'] == 2 || $date_array['mon'] == 5 || $date_array['mon'] == 8 || $date_array['mon'] == 11)
			array_push($bills_checklist['Credit Card'], "Water Bill");
		elseif ($date_array['mon'] == 3 || $date_array['mon'] == 6 || $date_array['mon'] == 9 || $date_array['mon'] == 12) 
			array_push($bills_checklist['Credit Card'], "Trash/Recycle");

		if ($date_array['mon'] == 1 || $date_array['mon'] == 7)
			array_push($bill_checklist['Credit Card'], "Car Insurance");

		//create card
		$card_data = array(
			'name' => ('Bills, Bills, Bills'),
			'idList' => '//List ID goes here',
			'labels' => 'yellow',
			'due' => date('Y-m-01 12:00 PM', strtotime('+1 month')),
			'pos' => 'top'

		//post card
		$card = $trello_instance->request('POST','/1/cards', $card_data);
		foreach ($bills_checklist as $bill_list_name=>$bill_checklist)
			//create checklist
			$checklist = $trello_instance->request('POST', '/1/checklists', array('idCard' => $card->id, 'name' => $bill_list_name));

			//push checklist to card
			foreach ($bill_checklist as $checklist_item) {
				$trello_instance->request('POST', ('/1/checklists/' . $checklist->id . '/checkItems'), array('name' => $checklist_item));

	//Annually (December 1)
	if ($date_array['mon'] == 12 && $date_array['mday'] == 1)
		$year = $date_array['year'] + 1;
		//create card
		$card_data = array(
			'name' => ('Annual To Do'),
			'idList' => '//List ID goes here',
			'labels' => 'yellow',
			'due' => $year . '-01-01',
			'pos' => 'top'

		//post card
		$card = $trello_instance->request('POST','/1/cards', $card_data);

		//create checklist
		$checklist = $trello_instance->request('POST', '/1/checklists', array('idCard' => $card->id));

		//push checklist to card
		foreach ($annual_checklist as $checklist_item) {
			$trello_instance->request('POST', ('/1/checklists/' . $checklist->id . '/checkItems'), array('name' => $checklist_item));

	//unset connection


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