
contjustriri Hook up with a transgender

Created by contjustriri

Comments (1)

  1. contjustriri

    Hook up with a transgender

    ♥♥♥ Link: Hook up with a transgender

    If so, tell me what to do. We are required to report members identifying as such to the reddit admins. I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing. Keep hanging out here with us. I'm not saying that's the case, only that if you haven't talked about it, it's somewhere in the universe of possibilities. I hook up with a transgender no problem with that. I'm sure you have questions about trans things, so ask em. You can always ask if she wants you to do anything for her, or if just the penetration is good. It just is sort of there, but serves no purpose. If a post or comment indicates a personal agenda, or if it's clear they have not come here with an open mind, their post s will be removed. Some girls will want to fuck you with it and others will want to pretend it doesn't exist. This information is not intended nor recommended as a substitute for medical advice. She's extremely happy from what I've experienced. It's been a few days, but I just saw this and it's so funny but true. The transgender members on Xpress are waiting for you. Not awkward at all. I never though my fantasies could become realities and I never thought it could be so easy. Some insecurities are obvious, some subtle, some non-existent. But thats a sign you care about her and her feelings. As far as talking about it, you should leave that soley to her and just maybe make her aware you care and that she can share any frustration or sense of transgejder with you as you wish to support her emotionally when she needs it like and good partner would. We prefer that titles be in the form of a question, but if this is not possible, please make sure either the post title or content provides a starting point for discussion. Some of us can't stand to be touched. If so, tell me what to do! You are a living work of art. That being said you should realize you treat this relationship like any relationship you want to work, no different. Your question would work in any forum, so with no disrespect, take out the word "trans" in your question and everyone will have the same answer. We only provide general information about medical transition, rransgender may be misleading for your individual circumstances.


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