
Data.Bris Child package display for CKAN

Created by Damian Steer
import ckan as ckan
import ckan.plugins as p

import dbutil
import ckan.model as model

import re

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def title_ordered_groups():
    '''Return a list of groups sorted by title.'''

    # Get a list of all the site's groups from CKAN, sorted by title.
    # There ought to be a built in way to do this (that works)!
    groups = p.toolkit.get_action('group_list')(
        data_dict={'all_fields': True})

    return groups

def get_child_packages(id):
    ''' Returns a list of packages that are the subjects of child_of relationships.'''

    # Direct Solr request is far faster
    # fetch limit 1000 (I hope that gets everything)
    return p.toolkit.get_action('package_search')(data_dict={'fq': 'child_of:' + id, 'rows': 1000})['results']

def get_parent_package(id):
    ''' Returns the parent package of the package with id: id'''

    relationships = []
        relationships = p.toolkit.get_action('package_relationships_list')(
                data_dict={'id': id, 'rel': 'child_of'})
    except Exception, e:
        return {}

    parent = {}
    if relationships:
        parent_rel = relationships[0]
        parent = p.toolkit.get_action('package_show')(
            data_dict={'id': parent_rel['object']})

    return parent

def get_top_level_package(id):
    ''' Returns the top level package of the hierarchy of which the package with id 
    is a child or an empty dict if this is the top level package'''

    current_id = id
    current_parent = get_parent_package(current_id)
    if not current_parent:
        return {}

    # Check cache
        top_pkg_id = dbutil.get_top_pkg(id)
        if top_pkg_id:
            top_pkg = p.toolkit.get_action('package_show')(
                data_dict={'id': top_pkg_id})

            return top_pkg

            while True:
                current_id = current_parent['name']
                parent = get_parent_package(current_id)
                if not parent:
                current_parent = parent


            return current_parent

    except Exception, e:
        log.debug("Error getting top level package: %s" % e)
        return {}


def get_package_tree(pkg):
    ''' Returns entire tree structure below that of the entered package
    as an html list. '''

        # Check cache
        html_tree = dbutil.get_html_tree(pkg['name'])
        if html_tree:
            return html_tree

            tree_pkg = _add_child_packages(pkg)
            html = ''

            if tree_pkg['children']:
                html = _add_child_bullets(html, tree_pkg)

            # Set cache (if there is a tree)
            if html:

            return html

    except Exception, e:
        log.exception("Error getting html tree: %s" % e)
        return ''


def _add_child_packages(pkg):

    pkg['children'] = get_child_packages(pkg['name'])
    for child in pkg['children']:

    return pkg

def _add_child_bullets(html, pkg):

    html = html + "<ul class='package-hierarchy'>\n"
    for child in sorted(pkg['children'], key=lambda child: child['title']):
        # A hack to shorten labels from full path
        # TODO: fix at harvest time? rdfs:label is the right form
        label = re.sub(r'.*/', '', child['title']) # a/b/c -> c
        html = html + "<li><a href='" + DataBrisUI.package_link + child['name'] + "'>" + label + "</a></li>\n"
        if 'children' in child:
            html = _add_child_bullets(html, child)

    html = html + "</ul>\n"
    return html

# Current content-type to readable name mapping
    'application/pdf': 'PDF',
    'text/plain': 'Text',
    'application/xml': 'XML',
    'application/octet-stream': 'Unknown',
    'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet': 'MS Excel',
    'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document': 'MS Word',
    'application/mp4': 'MPEG4',
    'video/mp4': 'MPEG4',
    'image/png': 'PNG',
    'application/rtf': 'RTF'

def content_types_to_display(content_types):
    '''Take comma separated list of content types, and return array of type, readable pairs'''  
    return [(ct, CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS.get(ct, ct)) for ct in content_types.split(',')]

class DataBrisUI(p.SingletonPlugin):
    Plugin for public-facing version of data.bris site

    package_link = '/dataset/'

    # Create resource for serving up slideshow js
    p.toolkit.add_resource('public/javascript/modules', 'databris-ui-js-lib')

    def configure(self,config):
        # Get values from ckan config
        site_url = config.get('ckan.site_url', None)        
        if site_url is not None:
            DataBrisUI.package_link = site_url + '/dataset/'

    def update_config(self, config):

        # add our templates
        p.toolkit.add_template_directory(config, 'templates')
        p.toolkit.add_public_directory(config, 'public')

        # create resource
        # p.toolkit.add_resource('resource', 'databris_resource')
        # requires the following in template
        # {% resource 'databris_resource/jquery.jcarousel.js' %}
        # not currently working

    def get_helpers(self):
        '''Register the title_ordered_groups() and get_child_packages functions above as template
        helper functions.
        # Template helper function names should begin with the name of the
        # extension they belong to, to avoid clashing with functions from
        # other extensions.
        return {
            'DataBrisUI_title_ordered_groups': title_ordered_groups, 
            'DataBrisUI_child_packages': get_child_packages,
            'DataBrisUI_parent_package': get_parent_package,
            'DataBrisUI_top_package': get_top_level_package,
            'DataBrisUI_get_datatree': get_package_tree,
            'DataBrisUI_content_types_to_display': content_types_to_display

    def before_map(self, map):
        map.connect('licence', '/licence', controller='databris', action='licence'),
        map.connect('deposit', '/deposit', controller='databris', action='deposit'),
        return map

    def after_map(self, map):
        return map

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