
Sachin Dhir Score to drive business logic on multiple options selected in Adobe Campaign web app

Created by Sachin Dhir

File SurveyApp.xml Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+<webApp accessControl="1" appState="0" appType="1" archivedFieldSchema="temp:webAppLogRcpData"
+        background="nms:backgrounds/survey.png" builtIn="0" cmsAccount-id="0" created="2017-02-27 10:45:44.548Z"
+        createdBy-id="101148730" defaultDictionary-id="1039" defaultLanguage="en"
+        defaultOrigin-id="0" deliveryMapping-id="0" designLanguage="en" endDate=""
+        entitySchema="nms:webApp" folder-id="1180" folderProcess-id="0" hasHtmlPage="0"
+        id="118516750" idCounter="5" internalName="demoSurveyApp" isModel="0" label="Demo Survey"
+        lastModified="2017-02-27 10:45:44.548Z" library="nms:webAppLogRcp" modelName="newSurvey"
+        modifiedBy-id="101148730" nature="survey" operation-id="0" operator-id="0"
+        originUrlOverride="true" publicationDate="" rendering-id="3526" schema="nms:recipient"
+        startDate="" startPath="/" state="0" timezone="_inherit_" trackingEnabled="true"
+        translationStatus="0" useAEM="false" uuid="82959c97-3ff1-440b-804b-f6c9fb2d240c"
+        xtkschema="nms:webApp">
+  <properties labelPosition="left" navigationMode="button" renderingEngine="1" windowTitle="Enter the title of the window here"/>
+  <errorPage label="Technical error" name="errorPage">
+    <endPage>
+      <source><![CDATA[<table style="color: red;">
+<td style="vertical-align: middle; padding-left: 0.5em;"><img src="/xtk/img/error.png"/></td>
+<td style="vertical-align: middle; padding: 1em;">
+<p><%= $(error) %></p>
+<p><%= $(retry) %></p>
+      <strings>
+        <string id="retry" value="Please try again later."/>
+        <string id="error" value="Sorry, a technical error occurred."/>
+      </strings>
+    </endPage>
+  </errorPage>
+  <closedFormLog>'This survey is currently closed.'</closedFormLog>
+  <desc><![CDATA[Template to create a survey from scratch]]></desc>
+  <facet advanced="0" purl="0" survey="1"/>
+  <rendering _cs="Standard form" created="2015-03-24 10:36:52.901Z" createdBy-id="0"
+             displayNavigation="0" folder-id="1026" id="3526" internalName="defaultFormRendering"
+             label="Standard form" lastModified="2015-11-12 01:02:01.951Z" modifiedBy-id="16768199"
+             navigationLabel="" pageBorder="0" preview="/nms/img/survey/theme/preview/defaultRendering.png"
+             type="0">
+    <header hideIfDashboard="true" id="1" position="3">
+      <font strikethrough="default" style="normal" underline="default"/>
+      <left>
+        <text><![CDATA[$(PAGETITLE)]]></text>
+      </left>
+      <right>
+        <text><![CDATA[<% if(serverForm.activities[String(ctx.activityHistory.activity[0].@name)].type != "end") { %> $(PAGE) / $(PAGES) <% }%>]]></text>
+      </right>
+      <border>
+        <left style="default"/>
+        <top style="default"/>
+        <right style="default"/>
+        <bottom style="default"/>
+      </border>
+    </header>
+    <header hideIfDashboard="true" id="2" position="3">
+      <font strikethrough="default" style="normal" underline="default"/>
+      <right>
+        <text><![CDATA[$(LOGO)]]></text>
+      </right>
+      <border>
+        <left style="default"/>
+        <top style="default"/>
+        <right style="default"/>
+        <bottom style="default"/>
+      </border>
+    </header>
+    <logo height="30" position="1" src="xtk:report/neologo118x30.png" width="195"/>
+    <layout errors="1" footer="2" footertext="2" header="2"/>
+    <format css="/nl/webForms/defaultWebApp.css" defaultFontSize="8" name="web">
+      <cssOverloading><![CDATA[/* Enter here anything loaded over the CSS */]]></cssOverloading>
+    </format>
+    <modifiedBy _cs="Chris Skilton (cskilton)"/>
+    <folder _cs="Form rendering"/>
+  </rendering>
+  <folder _cs="Web applications"/>
+  <defaultDictionary _cs="User dictionary"/>
+  <activities>
+    <start img="xtk:activities/start.png" label="Start" mask="0" name="start" x="84"
+           y="88">
+      <transitions>
+        <next enabled="true" name="next" target="page"/>
+      </transitions>
+    </start>
+    <page colcount="1" img="nms:activities/page.png" label="Vehicle Choice" labelPosition="inherit"
+          mask="0" name="page" randomQuestionsLimit="1" type="page" x="264" y="88">
+      <transitions>
+        <next enabled="true" label="Next" name="next" target="test"/>
+      </transitions>
+      <container colcount="1" colspan="1" id="container3" label="Which vehicles you own (select all that apply)?"
+                 labelPosition="inherit" style="container" type="question">
+        <rendering htmlEditor="Simple" justifyButton="1" styleButton="1" tableClass="list"/>
+        <input action="refresh" colspan="1" dateEditor="jsCalendar" enabledWhenHistory="false"
+               id="input4" label="vehicles" labelPosition="inherit" targetSchema=""
+               targetSchemaMode="xpath" type="radiolist">
+          <rendering htmlEditor="Simple" justifyButton="1" styleButton="1" tableClass="list"/>
+          <storage dateFormat="DDMNY4" firstYear="1920" lastYear="2015" maxsel="5"
+                   minsel="1" mode="library" multipleChoice="true" timeFormat="none"
+                   type="string" unbound="true" userEnum="">
+            <field xpath="vehicles"/>
+            <options>
+              <option autoSqlName="true" id="70451201" label="Bicycle" score="0.5"/>
+              <option autoSqlName="true" id="72548355" label="Bike" score="0.5"/>
+              <option autoSqlName="true" id="71630850" label="Car" score="1"/>
+              <option autoSqlName="true" id="74514437" label="SUV" score="3"/>
+              <option autoSqlName="true" id="73269252" label="Truck" score="10"/>
+            </options>
+          </storage>
+          <contextOptions useContext="0"/>
+        </input>
+      </container>
+    </page>
+    <test img="xtk:activities/condition.png" label="@Score &gt;= 10?" mask="0" name="test"
+          x="432" y="88">
+      <transitions>
+        <condition enabled="true" help="(parseInt(score) greater than or equal to 10)"
+                   label="True" name="transition1" target="end">
+          <condition id="97714184" leftExpr="parseInt(@score)" operator="&gt;=" rightExpr="10"/>
+        </condition>
+        <default enabled="true" label="False" name="default" target="test2"/>
+      </transitions>
+    </test>
+    <end img="xtk:activities/end.png" label="You own a truck" mask="0" name="end"
+         x="632" y="48">
+      <endPage>
+        <source><![CDATA[<P>You own a Truck.</P>]]></source>
+      </endPage>
+    </end>
+    <test img="xtk:activities/condition.png" label="@Score &gt;= 3?" mask="0" name="test2"
+          x="589" y="169">
+      <transitions>
+        <condition enabled="true" help="(parseInt(score) greater than or equal to 3)"
+                   label="True" name="transition1" target="end2" x="0" y="0">
+          <condition id="114360329" leftExpr="parseInt(@score)" operator="&gt;="
+                     rightExpr="3"/>
+        </condition>
+        <default enabled="true" label="False" name="default" target="end3" x="0"
+                 y="0"/>
+      </transitions>
+    </test>
+    <end img="xtk:activities/end.png" label="You have SUV." mask="0" name="end2"
+         x="744" y="136">
+      <endPage>
+        <source><![CDATA[<P>You have SUV.</P>]]></source>
+      </endPage>
+    </end>
+    <end img="xtk:activities/end.png" label="You missed SUV." mask="0" name="end3"
+         x="752" y="256">
+      <endPage>
+        <source><![CDATA[<P>You missed SUV.</P>]]></source>
+      </endPage>
+    </end>
+  </activities>
+  <archivedFields>
+    <field autoSqlName="true" label="vehicles" name="vehicles" type="string" unbound="true">
+      <userEnum name=""/>
+    </field>
+  </archivedFields>

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