
Gravitywell .bash_profile for modifying your prompt whilst using SSH

Created by Lucian Buzzo last modified
# A sample .bash_profile that improves your prompt output.
# by Lucian Buzzo
# read more at (

# Detect if the current session is being conducted over SSH
function is_ssh() {
  if [ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ] || [ -n "$SSH_TTY" ]; then
    return 0
  # many other tests omitted
    case $(ps -o comm= -p $PPID) in
      sshd|*/sshd) return 0;;
  return 1

# Return the MYHOSTALIAS environment variable if it is set, otherwise return the shortened hostname for the server
function host_alias {
  if [ -z "$MYHOSTALIAS" ]; then
    echo -e $(hostname -s)

# Construct and output a prompt string
function get_prompt {

  local_session='\[\033[38;5;240m\]ಠ_ಠ\[\e[m\] \[\033[38;5;37m\]\W/\[\e[m\]\[$(git_color)\]$(git_branch)\[\033[m\] '
  ssh_session='\[\033[38;5;240m\]\u\[\033[38;5;37m\]@$(host_alias)\[\em\]\[\033[38;5;125m\] (\@)\[\em\]\[\e[m\] \[\033[38;5;37m\]\W/\[\e[m\]\[$(git_color)\]$(git_branch)\[\033[m\] '

  if is_ssh; then
    echo -e "${ssh_session}"
    echo -e "${local_session}"

export PS1=$(get_prompt)

# Wrap ssh in a function that can pass over environment variables
function tunnel {
  local HOSTALIAS="'export MYHOSTALIAS=$1; /bin/bash -il'"
  ssh "$@" -t \'"$HOSTALIAS"\'

# generates an 8 bit color table (256 colors) showing the colors used by
# Ethan Schnoover's Solarized theme
function solarizedcolors {
  printf "\nSWATCH SOLARIZED HEX     16/8 TERMCOL  XTERM/HEX   L*A*B      RGB         HSB        "
  printf "\n------ --------- ------- ---- -------  ----------- ---------- ----------- -----------"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;234m      \033[m base03    #002b36  8/4 brblack  234 #1c1c1c 15 -12 -12   0  43  54 193 100  21"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;235m      \033[m base02    #073642  0/4 black    235 #262626 20 -12 -12   7  54  66 192  90  26"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;240m      \033[m base01    #586e75 10/7 brgreen  240 #585858 45 -07 -07  88 110 117 194  25  46"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;241m      \033[m base00    #657b83 11/7 bryellow 241 #626262 50 -07 -07 101 123 131 195  23  51"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;244m      \033[m base0     #839496 12/6 brblue   244 #808080 60 -06 -03 131 148 150 186  13  59"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;245m      \033[m base1     #93a1a1 14/4 brcyan   245 #8a8a8a 65 -05 -02 147 161 161 180   9  63"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;254m      \033[m base2     #eee8d5  7/7 white    254 #e4e4e4 92 -00  10 238 232 213  44  11  93"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;230m      \033[m base3     #fdf6e3 15/7 brwhite  230 #ffffd7 97  00  10 253 246 227  44  10  99"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;136m      \033[m yellow    #b58900  3/3 yellow   136 #af8700 60  10  65 181 137   0  45 100  71"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;166m      \033[m orange    #cb4b16  9/3 brred    166 #d75f00 50  50  55 203  75  22  18  89  80"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;160m      \033[m red       #dc322f  1/1 red      160 #d70000 50  65  45 220  50  47   1  79  86"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;125m      \033[m magenta   #d33682  5/5 magenta  125 #af005f 50  65 -05 211  54 130 331  74  83"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;61m      \033[m violet    #6c71c4 13/5 brmagenta 61 #5f5faf 50  15 -45 108 113 196 237  45  77"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;33m      \033[m blue      #268bd2  4/4 blue      33 #0087ff 55 -10 -45  38 139 210 205  82  82"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;37m      \033[m cyan      #2aa198  6/6 cyan      37 #00afaf 60 -35 -05  42 161 152 175  74  63"
  printf "\n\033[48;5;64m      \033[m green     #859900  2/2 green     64 #5f8700 60 -20  65 133 153   0  68 100  60"
  printf "\n"

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