
Leslie Ebook in italiano gratis download How We Make Stuff Now: Turn Ideas into Products That Build Successful Businesses English version ePub by Jules Pieri

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#Ebook in italiano gratis download How We Make Stuff Now: Turn Ideas into Products That Build Successful Businesses English version ePub by Jules Pieri

How We Make Stuff Now: Turn Ideas into Products That Build Successful Businesses


Download How We Make Stuff Now: Turn Ideas into Products That Build Successful Businesses

####How We Make Stuff Now: Turn Ideas into Products That Build Successful Businesses Jules Pieri ebook

  • Page: 336
  • Format: pdf / epub
  • ISBN: 9781260135855
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing

This step-by-step DIY guide shows entrepreneurs how to create and launch new products, package and market to consumers, and build a thriving business.

Do you have an idea for a business but don’t know where to start? Thanks to high-speed Internet, game-changing technology, and innovative new platforms, you can go from idea to marketplace on a shoestring budget—and join the growing movement of successful Makers who’ve built their businesses from the ground up. In How We Make Stuff Now, Jules Pieri—cofounder and CEO of The Grommet, a product launch platform that helps innovative products reach a community of millions—guides you through every step of the consumer product creation process. Learn how to: •Develop an idea with vision and heart •Tap into established sources of expertise •Formulate and refine your business plan •Design a product from prototype to perfection •Find the funds you need to launch your business •Explore innovative packaging, manufacturing, and distribution options •Market your product via social media and online sites •Manage your finances and inventory to maximize profits •Expand your business and grow into the global marketplace You’ll find fascinating case studies of successful startups—and discover how the smartest entrepreneurs overcome obstacles, solve challenges, and rise above the competition to deliver innovative products that consumers can’t resist. It’s all here in one easy-to-use action plan. Whether you’re a self-starting newcomer to the world of e-commerce, a member of the Maker Movement, or an experienced entrepreneur, the first crucial step in your journey to turning little ideas into big businesses is learning How We Make Stuff Now.

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