
one45 Software one45 API request snippet (cURL)

Created by Sean Fang last modified Alex Cotic-Ehn

# README - one45 API cURL Example #######################################
# 1. Save this file on your mac/linux/unix computer
# 2. In your terminal, navigate to folder where you saved this file
# 3. In your terminal, execute command 'sh'
# 4. Enter your client key when prompted
# 5. Enter your client secret when prompted
# 6. Enter the URL for your sandbox site when prompted
# 7. If all goes well, the JSON response should appear in the terminal

# First initialize all the neccessary variables to make one45 api request
echo "Enter your client key:"
read client_key

echo "Enter your client secret:"
read client_secret

echo "Enter your one45 site url (without 'http' or 'https'; e.g., ''):"
read school_base_url

# Requesting for an access_token
echo "Requesting access_token..."
response=$(curl request POST "https://$school_base_url/web/one45.php/public/api/v1/token/generate" --data "client_key=$client_key" --data "client_secret=$client_secret" -s)

# Parse for the access token from response
access_token=$(expr "$response" : '.*"access_token":"\([^"]*\)"')

# Requesting for Form resource (/api/v1/forms)"
echo "Requesting Form resource (/api/v1/forms)..."
# You will need to replace X with your access_token below
response=$(curl -s "$forms_request_url" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer X")

# Response of Form request
echo $response

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