
Daniel DOWNLOADS Newton and the Club of Astronomers

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#Newton and the Club of Astronomers. Marion Kadi, Abram Kaplan, Tatiana Boyko, Jordan Lee Schnee #####Publisher: Diaphanes

Newton and the Club of Astronomers

File name: Newton-and-the-Club-of.pdf

ISBN: 9783035801408 | 64 pages | 2 Mb


Newton and the Club of Astronomers Marion Kadi, Abram Kaplan, Tatiana Boyko, Jordan Lee Schnee epub

We know Isaac Newton as a brilliant polymath, inventor of the calculus and the person who first began to suss out the fundamental laws of physics. But in this delightful account of his life and thought aimed at young readers, we learn oh, so much more about Newton and his secret life . . . on the dark side of the moon. Newton and the Club of Astronomers invites us on a wildly imaginative journey to join Newton as he meets with the famous (and definitely secret) Club of Astronomers in their clubhouse on the hidden side of the moon. At the Club’s meetings, we learn about Newton’s discoveries and understand his pioneering thoughts about gravity, planetary orbits, and much, much more. Whimsical and fanciful, yet firmly rooted in Newton’s actual ideas and discoveries, Newton and the Club of Astronomers is the perfect introduction for curious children to one of the great figures of scientific history.

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