
Rene Cejas Bolecek Calorimetry Filtering tools: Average - Outlier

Created by Rene Cejas Bolecek last modified

# Average C1 values - Outlier v1
# Rel. 10/2015
# Dr. Rene Cejas Bolecek
# Low Temperatures Laboratory, CAB, Argentine.
# email:


from numpy import zeros, sqrt, where, pi, average, arange, histogram,log,log10 # log is ln
import numpy as np
from PyAstronomy import pyasl 

#User settings
filename = '14_10T_norm_f1'
ColT = 0 #En los archivos de J.G. es 0
ColC1 = 6 #En los archivos de J.G. es 6
#Av. settings
Tcutoff = 0.01

#Outlier settings
polyFit = 1
stdlim = 0.05 
flagDEB = False #True or False

#Output Files
writeIt1 = open(filename+"_Av_V1.dat", "w")
writeIt2 = open(filename+"_Outlier_V1.dat", "w")
#Gnuplot check
#a0 = 1.99699e-06-8E-6
#a1 = 5.93816e-07
#a2 = 3.49326e-09
#a3= -3.94088e-11
#plot "14_10T_norm.dat" u 1:7, P3(x), "14_10T_norm_f1.dat" u 1:7, "14_10T_norm_f1_AvV1.dat" u 1:3, "14_10T_norm_f1_OutlierV1.dat" u 1:2
#Var init
Tav = 0
C1av = 0
i0 = 0
flag = True
data   = np.loadtxt(filename+'.dat')
T = data[:,ColT]
C1 = data[:,ColC1]

#Calculation init
for i in range(len(data)-1):
	TCalc = []
	C1Calc = []
	j = i+1
	if (i == i0 and j<=(len(data)-1)):
		flag = True
	if flag:
		counter = 1
		while (True and j <= (len(data)-1)):

			if (abs(T[i0]-T[j])/T[j])> Tcutoff:
				i0 = j
				#iin, iout,p , model = pyasl.polyResOutlier(TCalc, C1Calc, deg=3, stdlim=1, controlPlot=True,fullOutput = True)
				iin, iout= pyasl.polyResOutlier(TCalc, C1Calc, deg=polyFit, stdlim=stdlim, controlPlot=False)
				TOutliered = zeros(len(iin))
				C1Outliered = zeros(len(iin))
				for idx in range(len(iin)):
					print idx, iin
					TOutliered[idx] = TCalc[iin[idx]] 
					C1Outliered[idx] = C1Calc[iin[idx]]
					writeIt2.write("%.5f %.10f\n" % (TOutliered[idx],C1Outliered[idx]))
				writeIt1.write("%.5f %.5f %.10f %.10f %d\n" % (np.mean(TCalc),np.std(TCalc),np.mean(C1Calc),np.std(C1Calc),len(C1Calc)))
			flag = False
			counter = counter +1
			if (j == (len(data)-1)):
				if(flagDEB and counter!=0): print "save Tav:", i," ",Tav/(counter*1.0)
				writeIt1.write("%.5f %.5f %.10f %.10f %d\n" % (np.mean(TCalc),np.std(TCalc),np.mean(C1Calc),np.std(C1Calc),len(C1Calc)))
			j = j+1
			if(flagDEB): print "Tav: ", Tav, "j: ", j ,"counter: ",  counter

print "Process finished"

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