
Geoff Taylor

Updated by Geoff Taylor

File Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
     name_match =
     if name_match is not None:
-    task_name = parse.unquote(name_match.groups()[0])
+        task_name = parse.unquote(name_match.groups()[0])
     # Get the task note (if present) from the URL and
     # replace URL-encoded characters
     note_match =
     if note_match is not None:
-    task_note = parse.unquote(note_match.groups()[0])
+        task_note = parse.unquote(note_match.groups()[0])
     # Get the due date (if present) from the URL and
     # replace URL-encoded characters
     due_date_match =
     if due_date_match is not None:
-    due_date = parse.unquote(due_date_match.groups()[0])
+        due_date = parse.unquote(due_date_match.groups()[0])
     # Create a dictionary with the task name,
     # task note (if present) and due date (if present).
     task_info = {'name': task_name}
     if task_note is not None:
-    task_info['note'] = task_note
+        task_info['note'] = task_note
-    task_info['note'] = '(None)'
+        task_info['note'] = '(None)'
     if due_date is not None:
-    task_info['due_date'] = due_date
+        task_info['due_date'] = due_date
-    task_info['due_date'] = '(None)'
+        task_info['due_date'] = '(None)'
     # Write the dictionary to a JSON string
     # and copy the string to the clipboard.
Created by Geoff Taylor

File Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+import sys, re, clipboard, json, webbrowser
+from urllib import parse
+def main(encoded):
+    """
+    Extracts task name, note and due date from an OmniFocus task URL
+    and returns a dictionary.
+    """
+    task_name = None
+    task_note = None
+    due_date = None
+    # Patterns to match the task name and the
+    # task note in the OmniFocus URL.
+    # The URL will look this:
+    # omnifocus:///task/cahy7K5409b?name=Task%20name&parallel=true&due=2017-05-19%2017:00&project=My%20Project
+    name_pattern = re.compile(r'name=([^&]+)&')
+    note_pattern = re.compile(r'note=([^&]+)&')
+    due_date_pattern = re.compile(r'due=([^&]+)&')
+    # Get the task name from the URL and
+    # replace URL-encoded characters
+    # (e.g., replace %20 with a space)
+    name_match =
+    if name_match is not None:
+    task_name = parse.unquote(name_match.groups()[0])
+    # Get the task note (if present) from the URL and
+    # replace URL-encoded characters
+    note_match =
+    if note_match is not None:
+    task_note = parse.unquote(note_match.groups()[0])
+    # Get the due date (if present) from the URL and
+    # replace URL-encoded characters
+    due_date_match =
+    if due_date_match is not None:
+    due_date = parse.unquote(due_date_match.groups()[0])
+    # Create a dictionary with the task name,
+    # task note (if present) and due date (if present).
+    task_info = {'name': task_name}
+    if task_note is not None:
+    task_info['note'] = task_note
+    else:
+    task_info['note'] = '(None)'
+    if due_date is not None:
+    task_info['due_date'] = due_date
+    else:
+    task_info['due_date'] = '(None)'
+    # Write the dictionary to a JSON string
+    # and copy the string to the clipboard.
+    task_info_json = json.dumps(task_info)
+    clipboard.set(task_info_json)
+    # Finally, open OmniFocus to continue running the workflow
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(sys.argv[1])

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