
Trevor Sacks Neutered delete() function

Created by Trevor Sacks last modified
class Model_Badge extends \Orm\Model_Soft


public function delete($cascade = null, $use_transaction = false)
		// New objects can't be deleted, neither can frozen
		if ($this->is_new() or $this->frozen())
			return false;

		if ($use_transaction)
			$db = \Database_Connection::instance(static::connection(true));


			// Delete the model in question
			if ( ! $this->delete_self())
				return false;

			// Perform cleanup:
			// remove from internal object cache, remove PK's, set to non saved object, remove db original values
			if (array_key_exists(get_called_class(), static::$_cached_objects)
				and array_key_exists(static::implode_pk($this), static::$_cached_objects[get_called_class()]))
			foreach ($this->primary_key() as $pk)

			$this->_is_new = true;
			$this->_original = array();


			$use_transaction and $db->commit_transaction();
		catch (\Exception $e)
			$use_transaction and $db->rollback_transaction();
			throw $e;

		return $this;



foreach($this->relations() as $rel_name => $rel)
    $should_cascade = is_array($cascade) ? in_array($rel_name, $cascade) : $rel->cascade_delete;

    // Give model subclasses a chance to chip in.
    if ($should_cascade && ! $this->should_cascade_delete($rel))
        // The function returned false so something does not want this relation to be cascade deleted
        $should_cascade = false;

    $rel->delete($this, $this->{$rel_name}, false, $should_cascade);


foreach($this->relations() as $rel_name => $rel)
    $should_cascade = is_array($cascade) ? in_array($rel_name, $cascade) : $rel->cascade_delete;

    // Give model subclasses a chance to chip in.
    if ($should_cascade && ! $this->should_cascade_delete($rel))
        // The function returned false so something does not want this relation to be cascade deleted
        $should_cascade = false;

    $rel->delete($this, $this->{$rel_name}, true, $should_cascade);


foreach($this->relations() as $rel_name => $rel)
    $this->_original_relations[$rel_name] = $rel->singular ? null : array();


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