#Free download of ebooks for kindle An Introduction To Fire Dynamics (English Edition) #####Publisher: Wiley
File name: An-Introduction-To-Fire-Dynamics.pdf
465 pages | 12 Mb
Overview Following the international success of the first edition, this complete update of the acclaimed reference on fire dynamics provides all the information necessary for a fundamental understanding of fire phenomena. The author, concentrating chiefly on the area of uncontrolled combustion, discusses the principles of chemistry, physics, heat and mass transfer, and fluid dynamics. The second edition also covers ignition, heat aerodynamics, spread of flame, and the behavior of fires in buildings. From the Publisher Brings together, for the first time, the basic scientific and engineering principles essential to an understanding of fire behavior. Gathered from a wide range of sources, it covers basic organic and physical chemistry, aspects of heat and mass transfer, premixed and diffusion flames, ignition flame spread, the steady burning of liquid and solid fuels, burning in enclosures, the concepts of fire severity and resistance, and a brief review of smoke production and movement. Includes problems and answers, and detailed references to source materials to facilitate further study. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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