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#Book audio free download SOIC and SOT: the Microchips
##SOIC and SOT: the Microchips
####SOIC and SOT: the Microchips Jeffrey C. Dunnihoo, Simona M. Ceccarelli ebook
- Page: 28
- Format: pdf / epub
- ISBN: 9781732283626
- Publisher: Pragma Design, Inc.
Overview SOIC and SOT: the Microchips by Jeffrey C. Dunnihoo, Simona M. Ceccarelli Two microchips named SOIC and SOT go on a journey through an electronics assembly line. From shipping boxes, through the soldering process, assembly and test, the chips learn about the world outside, and what they were born to do! The perfect picture book for our littlest electrical engineers and technologists to be.
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