User sessions timing out inconsistently

Issue #1 resolved
Milo Caman created an issue

I have PHPBB's session timeouts set to several days, but when authevesso is enabled it seems that my setting is ignored and users are logged out automatically after around an hour, requiring them to log in again via SSO. This doesn't appear to be terribly consistent, as I've personally had a few sessions that have gone on for quite a bit longer than this.

Issue was also raised by Felicity Stihl here:

I'm running PHPBB on PHP 7.0.15-0ubuntu0.16.04.4.

Comments (3)

  1. Snitch Ashor repo owner

    The mod uses phpBB's "Remember Me" functionality. I manage to stay logged in for days+ So could you please check under your profile if any remember me keys are set (should be there if you run at least v1.0.1a) if not please check your server security settings in the ACP whether remeber me is allowed, also depending on your ISP the IP validation might be the problem. Also your cookie settings should be:

    Cookie domain: .domain.ending (leading dot)

    Cookie path: / (no matter what the board subfolder is)

    if you change cookie settings please enforce them by also changing the cookie name (add a digit or so).

  2. Milo Caman reporter

    Cookies are as mentioned. This does seem to have been resolved with the update to v1.0.6a though, so can probably be closed?

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