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CatArmory / Instalation


CatArmory is under heavy development - it is usable, but not yet finished. Almost every day there is new version with new features

Obtaining CatArmory

Go to your webserver documentroot and run git clone or download it as ZIP archive from For easier upadting, I recommend using git - see last paragraph Updating CatArmory

MySQL preparation

  1. Create one database for CatArmory (i.e. catarmory).
  2. Create user and add permissions to required databases. Edit and use sql/grant.sql. Please, spent few minutes on this step and don't be hurry.
  3. Import file sql/create.sql into CatArmory database

Getting DBC and DB2 to MySQL

  1. Extract DBC and DB2 files (when running a trinity server, you already have them in your trinity/dbc)
  2. Setup tools/ and tools/ (path to dbc and db2 files, login and password to MySQL). Destination database for this is catarmory. If you are using catarmory MySQL user credentials, temporary add CREATE, DROP, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE privileges to this account.
    Notice: tools/DBCfmt.h and tools/DB2fmt.h are slighty updated files from trinity/src/server/game/DataStores/, since trinity doesn't need text fields. Neither DBC, nor DB2 have their columns data types stored, and these fmt files are defining them (just to inform you, why these are needed)
  3. Run tools/ and tools/ and check if you have tables created and filled with data. Like cd tools; perl; perl;
    Notice: here is how it should look like - Running dbc and Running db2
  4. Remove these files, or make them unreadable from WEB, so nobody can get to your mysql login/password!!!

Getting icons

  1. Extract all BLP from MPQ files using WinMPQ (
  2. You need just Interface\Icons\*.blp - convert them using BLPConverter (
  3. Create batch file (.bat) that will convert all icons at once. Like: for %%F in (*.blp) do BLPConverter.exe %%F
  4. Copy PNG files to [Document Root]/icons directory
  5. Run icons/ to rename all files to lower case. Like: cd icons; perl
  6. Run icons/ to create small and smallest icons. Like: cd icons; perl;
    Notice: you will need NetPBM in your system (but it is bundled into almost all distributions)

Configuration & permissions

  1. Configure configs/config.php.orig (for mysql access) and remove ".orig" from file name
  2. Configure configs/config.js.orig (for URL paths) and remove ".orig" from file name
  3. Check if directory "cache" is writable for webserver user

Updating CatArmory

Get latest version of CatArmory.

  1. Go to directory where you've previously cloned CatArmory and run git pull
  2. Check if there are not new configuration options in configs/config.php.orig and configs/config.js.orig
  3. Check commits if there isn't needed to re-run tools/ or tools/
