Polymorphic School Census Online Submission

Issue #1012 new
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Support different formats of school census, for context, school type and year. In other words, add support for Tertiary/Vocational Education.

While the work on online submission of the annual census in aggregate format will be done as part of work in Kiribati this will also be useful in FSM/RMI to collect annual census data for local tertiary and vocational institution which up until now NDOE has not been collecting the data. Ensure that the work done here can use used also in such scenarios.

The work of this issue is just making sure the polymorphic annual census web form done as per scope of Kiribati is ported to FSM/RMI and ready for those countries to collect aggregate data for vocational and tertiary institutions.

Comments (6)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    This also covers ToR item “Survey data entry - the paper survey forms collected in KEMIS are entered using desktop KEMIS”

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