Improve existing ISCED Level Coding

Issue #1020 wontfix
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Need to discuss how we can support better the ISCED coding defined in We currently have ISCEDLevel and ISCEDLevelSub which work well already but is not complete. There is actually a third digit!

  • Our current ISCEDLevel is UIS' “ISCED coding of levels (first digit)”
  • Our current ISCEDLevelSub is UIS' “ISCED coding of categories (second digit)”
  • Missing ISCEDLevelSubCat UIS' “ISCED coding of sub-categories (third digit)”

All our student enrolment and teacher data have an ISCEDSubClass column enabling support to disaggregate by ISCED levels (groups).

Another relevant note from discussions:

We decided it was best to make use of the ISCED Levels tables which can be configured on the most recent disaggregation of UIS and other SDG international reporting obligations. That said, both student enrolments and teachers already completely or mostly support this. The only thing requiring a bit more is to make sure we support *budgets* by those ISCED level disaggregations. Since those are currently disaggregated by the sectors is there actually a way to also support ISCED disaggregations. Look into and estimate days.

Comments (2)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    We'll only support the levels and category (first and second digits) and not the sub-categories (third digit) until and unless it would be required by international reporting to report down by the sub-category. In which case we would need one more table to add the missing ISCEDLevelSubCat table and link that one to the class levels

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