Add support for alternate education levels

Issue #1127 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

As a convenience if producing GER/NER by UIS education levels (i.e. ECE, pre-primary, lower secondary and upper secondary).

  • Small cleanup/fixes required in buildEdLevelAlt procedure (check SQLDelta)
  • Small data config adjusted needed (SQL script below for FSM, similar needed for RMI)


SELECT * FROM [dbo].[lkpLevels];
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[lkpEducationLevelsAlt];

DELETE FROM dbo.metaSchoolTypeLevelMap WHERE tlmLevel = 'GPRES'
DELETE FROM [dbo].[lkpLevels] WHERE codeCode = 'GPRES';
DELETE FROM [dbo].[lkpEducationLevelsAlt];
INSERT INTO [dbo].[lkpEducationLevelsAlt] (codeCode,codeDescription,edlMinYear,edlMaxYear) VALUES ('ECE','Early Childhood Education Development',-1,-1);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[lkpEducationLevelsAlt] (codeCode,codeDescription,edlMinYear,edlMaxYear) VALUES ('PREPRI','Pre-primary',0,0);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[lkpEducationLevelsAlt] (codeCode,codeDescription,edlMinYear,edlMaxYear) VALUES ('PRI','Primary',1,6);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[lkpEducationLevelsAlt] (codeCode,codeDescription,edlMinYear,edlMaxYear) VALUES ('LOWSEC','Lower Secondary',7,8);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[lkpEducationLevelsAlt] (codeCode,codeDescription,edlMinYear,edlMaxYear) VALUES ('UPPSEC','Upper Secondary',9,12);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[lkpEducationLevelsAlt] (codeCode,codeDescription,edlMinYear,edlMaxYear) VALUES ('PSE','Post Secondary',13,0);

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[lkpLevels];
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[lkpEducationLevelsAlt];


Comments (3)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Brian Lewis I’ve done the little data modification above. I believe this can be resolved.

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