RMI Workbook not loading

Issue #1135 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

And there are infinite tunnel errors not sure if this is only in my environment.

Comments (5)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Problem is a confiiguration issue to do with the translation of localised column names. Localised names are translated by

    1. entries in the table CensusWorkbookColumnMaps; then
    2. vocab entries for ('District','School No','School Type').

    Refer to pSurveyOps.CensusWorkbookColumnMapping for details.

    The upload expects that each sheet will have a column School No

    If the column is not called that in the workbook, there will need to be a mapping that identifies the School No column.

    In the RMI workbook, this column is headed School ID. There is no entry in CensusWorkbookColumnMaps for School ID, but there is a vocab item School No => PSS School ID.

    I suspect this vocab item used to be School No => School ID, and it has been changed at some time.?

    If the vocab School No => School ID is in place, then that will get reported by pSurveyOps.CensusWorkbookColumnMapping and so the column School ID will get renamed to School No, so all is well.

    However, when the vocab is School No =>PSS School ID, then the column School Id is never translated, so there is no School No in the output.

    So there are 3 ways this could be resolved:

    1. Change the column heading School ID to School No or PSS School ID in the workbook. If it is School No, no mapping is required. If it is PSS School ID, the mapping derived from vocab will work.
    2. Change the entry in sysVocab so that School No => School ID. But this will have system wide implications and I imagine it was set to PSS School ID for a reason.
    3. Create an entry in CensusWorkbookColumnMaps to map School Id to School No:

    INSERT INTO CensusWorkbookColumnMaps
    (sheetNAme, columnName, mapping, pCreateUser, pCreateDateTime)
    VALUES (null, 'School ID', 'School No','brian@softwords.com.au',getUTCDate())

    I used 3) as the path of least resistance and then the workbook loads.

    Check the outputs from e.g.

    pSurveyOps.CensusWorkbookColumnMapping ‘Schools’

  2. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Another point to note: the 4.5Mb upload can take considerable time to run from a remote location. If you are using Fiddler as the proxy, Fiddler will timeout the request quicker than the browser will, and you’ll see a 504 error in Fiddler, and an error reported back to the browser.

    Turn off Fiddler before uploading, then it will take as long as it needs and won’t error out.

    This will need to get uploaded again when the validations are resolved.

  3. Brian Lewis repo owner

    The ‘infinite’ tunnel errors are a manifestation of the problem in #1132. btw if you see these ‘tunnels’ in fiddler, but don’t see the requests they carry, try setting these options:

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