Add new indicators to indicators dashboard [2022:HPR]

Issue #1159 duplicate
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Some may no longer be needed or already there. Others requested by NDOE users.

  • Number of teacher close to retirement (Those 5 years from 65 years of age, 4 years, 3 years, 2 years and 1 year)
  • Dropout Rate (by Grade)
  • Number of Dropouts
  • Promotion Rate (by Grade)
  • Repetition Rate ( (by Grade, already there)
  • Percentage of Repeaters (by education level)
  • Number of repeaters (already there)
  • Graduation Rate (from G8/G12, use the direct outcome data)
  • Completion Rate (see UIS, probably just use the GIR as proxy)
  • Transition Rate (ECE=>Pri, Pri=>Sec)
  • Survival Rate (year on year as other flow rates)
  • Survival Rate (to specific years including to 1-8, 1-12, 9-12)
  • Attendance rate
  • % of New Entrants to Primary Education with ECE Experience
  • Budget indicators: Educational Expenditure as % of GDP, Educational Expenditure as % of Global Budget, Per pupil expenditure.
  • Out-of-school

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