Teacher CRUD server support bug on create when id is passed as null

Issue #117 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (7)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    I notice that 'Add New button has been explicitly disabled from Teacher List page - what is the thinking about UI to get to add new? For now, I am just navigating via the Url


  2. Brian Lewis reporter

    In desktop Pineapples, there is a workflow around adding a new teacher:

    -- user enters the key identification fields:

    ---- first name

    ---- family name

    ---- payroll no

    ---- date of birth

    --- registration no


    a list containing matches on combinations of these is presented - and the user must confirm that the teacher is indeed new and not in this list. the matches are "fuzzy" using soundex on name, and matching swapped names given<=> family, and swapped date of birth dd/mm <=> mm/dd.

    This is to control the proliferation of duplicates.

  3. Ghislain Hachey

    No particular urgent need for a "Add" teacher. The desktop version workflow is fine with me. I just grouped this issue which is a bug into this teacher related stuff. We could for now just do the quickest hack (deactivate adding through UI). Then later on build the same feature as desktop version.

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