Upgrade to .NET 4.8 [RMI24H]

Issue #1194 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

When setting up the Pacific EMIS on my new laptop in VS 2022 I got this recommendation. Is this a safe easy upgrade? Should we do it now?

Comments (7)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Note these nuget packages not updated:

    jquery - don;t even know why its there in Pineapples project but does not want ot be deleted

    EPPlus v 4.5 is the last that is open source, so cannot upgrade beyond that

    Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemroyStream - going to very latest breaks imageprocessor

    SharpCompress - we have had errors in later versions - safer to leave for now

    Can now run and be built in VS2022 - however, if there is an error “missing DomCodeCppProvider” it seems this can be fixed by chnagin VS installation to include C++ ( it has to do with Cpp files found in node_modules folder)

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Brian Lewis I see several in pineapples and pineapples.data’s packages.config that target net46, is this required? Could those not all target the same net48?

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