Exam pre-processing mis-handles the candidate names in some instances

Issue #1198 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Nothing seemingly wrong with the following student (no spaces or anything like that).

Yet once loaded looks like this.

It is not the only one. There are many (dozens per exams). The most common thing I have observed at a glance is the first name usually ends with “le” or “la” but not always.

Comments (3)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Two version of fnParseName existed - common.fnParseName and dbo.fnParseName. dbo version is obselete, and did not have a fix applied to the other one. dbo.fnParseName is removed and replaced everywhere by common.fnParseName

  2. Brian Lewis repo owner

    This SQL fragment can reapply the name from the xml row data on ExamCandidates:

    UPDATE ExamCandidates
    SET excGiven = N.FirstName
    , excFamilyName = N.LastName
    from ExamCandidates
    CROSS APPLY common.fnparseName(excData.value('(//row/@FullName)[1]', 'nvarchar(50)')) N
    where excGiven is null and N.FirstName is not null

    This version parses incorrectly concatenated names, assuming each part begins with an uppercase letter:

    begin transaction
    select excData.value('(//row/@FullName)[1]', 'nvarchar(50)')
    , N.FirstName, N.MiddleName, N.LastName
    , excGiven, excMiddleNames, excFamilyName , exID
    from ExamCandidates
    CROSS APPLY common.fnparseName(common.spaceName(excData.value('(//row/@FullName)[1]', 'nvarchar(50)'))) N
    where excGiven = N.FirstName
    AND excFamilyName = N.LastName
    AND excMiddleNAmes is null AND N.MiddleName is not null
    UPDATE ExamCandidates
    SET excGiven = N.FirstName
    , excMiddleNames = N.MiddleName
    , excFamilyName = N.LastName
    from ExamCandidates
    CROSS APPLY common.fnparseName(excData.value('(//row/@FullName)[1]', 'nvarchar(50)')) N
    where excGiven = N.FirstName
    AND excFamilyName = N.LastName
    AND excMiddleNAmes is null AND N.MiddleName is not null
    UPDATE ExamCandidates
    SET excGiven = N.FirstName
    , excMiddleNames = N.MiddleName
    , excFamilyName = N.LastName
    from ExamCandidates
    CROSS APPLY common.fnparseName(common.spaceName(excData.value('(//row/@FullName)[1]', 'nvarchar(50)'))) N
    where excGiven = N.FirstName
    AND excFamilyName = N.LastName
    AND excMiddleNAmes is null AND N.MiddleName is not null
    select excData.value('(//row/@FullName)[1]', 'nvarchar(50)')
    , N.FirstName, N.MiddleName, N.LastName
    , excGiven, excMiddleNames, excFamilyName , exID
    from ExamCandidates
    CROSS APPLY common.fnparseName(common.spaceName(excData.value('(//row/@FullName)[1]', 'nvarchar(50)'))) N
    where excGiven = N.FirstName
    AND excFamilyName = N.LastName
    AND excMiddleNAmes is null AND N.MiddleName is not null

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