Does age group remain updated even without warehouse rebuild

Issue #1200 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

And what about partial rebuild?

Comments (2)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    @Ghislain Hachey

    The age group is calculated by warehouse.buildTeacherLocation and is persisted on the warehouse.TeacherLocation table.

    It is calculated from the teacher’s recorded DoB, and the survey year.


    – these values will only change when there is a warehouse rebuild;

    – if there is a partial rebuild (ie limited years), then the value is unaffected on the years not changed. In this situation, if a teacher’s DoB has been changed, then it’s possible the age group for that teacher may be not compatible over multiple years ( ie if the age group is calculated on some rows with one DoB and on others with a different DoB).

    This is what you would expect I think - by design, the warehouse data is frozen unless rebuilt.

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