Odd data pattern recurring every year

Issue #1229 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Would be good to understand why. This is in RMI. Pattern seen in screenshot from Digest 2022.

Comments (3)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    @Ghislain Hachey

    This is a good use of the ‘drill down’ from the Indicators page to prove the veracity of these numbers … here’s what you get drilling in to Survival to Level 8 on primary:

    The reason why there is a spike in promotion from YoE7 2019 to YoE8 is becuase there is actually a higher enrolment in YoE8 in 2020. In other words, there must be ‘dropins’; ie children ghoing straight into YoE8 without doing YoE7 the year before.

    In fact , this is due to the enrolment going in to ‘Pre9’ class, which is also Year of EDucation 8:

    I’d say what happens is that children who have previously dropped out come back to do Grade 8 or Pre-9, in order to either complete primary, or try to qualify to get into secondary.

    But - it seems not many do .. the promotion rate of these Year 8 s going to Year 9 falls sharply.

    So you are seeing a “bulge” of enrolment at year 8 as children do that one year - without doing the previous or the following year, causing the shape in the graph above.

    Not uncommon….. have seen the same phenomenon in SI and Kiribati.

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