Google Service Account by country

Issue #1248 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Currently the EMIS backend makes use of two Google Service Account to hold cloudfiles (XML surveys from tablets, images, etc.):

  • One for Production
  • One for Development

And they are shared by all countries using the EMIS. There is a 15GB limit that can not be increased with this type of cloud storage with Google as it is meant more for transient objects. We quickly filled this up with images in particular in FSM. There was an interim solution that help by cleanup already loaded images. However, a Google Storage Account for each country is a more clean solution. We can then eliminate the use of those FedEMIS, MIEMIS folders in the cloud storage account which simply end up being duplicated due to some unclear issue.

Comments (10)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    I would propose the simplest path is:

    1. create a new Google service account for MIEMIS Production.
    2. In our development environments, assets_local folder, rename production-google-credentials.json to fedemis-google-credentials.json
    3. Add the new credentials to the folder as miemis-google-credentials.json.
    4. Cease upload of any new MIEMIS surveys. Process anything currently in progress for MIEMIS.
    5. Simultaneously deploy the new MIEMIS credentials to the tablet app and to MIEMIS production. (rnamed as currently to google-credentials.json.

    A this point, existing code will work. IT will still use a MIEMIS folder in the new account. FEDEMIS can continue with the existing account.

    this removes any obstruction to MIEMIS from lack of space caused by FEDEMIS.

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    I will take this one yes. We are finalizing the yearly inspections approval and then cleanups. At that time we will do something similar as the proposed above.

  3. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    The Education Survey Tool with support to connect to different Google Service Account drives in a flexible way (through configuration) has been developed. This was tested in the development service account. The final step if to put the production key into production once all the cloudfiles from the current shared production service account have been loaded and cleaned up.

  4. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    MIEMIS production has been migrated to the new cloud storage of its own with the new Education Survey Tool. Tested seems working well. FedEMIS is next.

  5. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    FedeMIS production has been migrated to the new cloud storage of its own with the new Education Survey Tool. Tested seems working well.

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