Missing ethnicity for students

Issue #1260 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Seems latest fix applied for staff data does not work with students.

Comments (4)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Ethnicity as recorded on Student_ record is normalised using the table lkpEthinicity - ie the value on the workbook is look up in DESCRIPTION, and the matching CODE is written to the table.

    It seems that lkpEthnicity may not ahve been set up when workbooks were last loaded - so there was no CODe to record.

    Reprocessing (using the student enrolment Xml) recreates the missing Ethnicity field. Then the census Rollover carries the value without problem.

    No code or Sql changes were need to resolve this.

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Brian Lewis What data modification was made exactly? I’m pretty sure that lkpEthnicity has had data for quite some time.

  3. Brian Lewis repo owner
    UPDATE STudent_
    SET stuEthnicity = E.codeCode
    from Student_
    INNER JOIN StudentEnrolment_ 
    ON Student_.stuID = StudentEnrolment_.stuID
    AND stueYear = 2022
    LEFT JOIN lkpEthnicity E
        ON  stueData.value('(//row/@Ethnicity)[1]','nvarchar(100)') = codeDescription
    WHERE stuEthnicity is null

    @Ghislain Hachey This repairs the missing ethnicity from the workbook value.

    Code change to load ethnicity was in origin/issue597 loaded 16 May 2019. (prior to rename of these Stored Procs)

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