Form B in RMI has a minor difference with tablet

Issue #1280 closed
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

We have an issue with the Form B. I compare the tablet with the online and notice a difference in the tally. I believe this is due to how the classroom observation is defined as a final Level 1, 2, 3 or 4. This then affect the tally in RMI (in no longer is calculated like this in FSM).

I believe that the tablet defines the final classroom observations following this

  • Level 1 - 0-50%
  • Level 2 - 51-75%
  • Level 3 - 76-90%
  • Level 4 - 91-100%

Is the EMIS not doing it like this? We need to verify this and make sure it complies with the official manual of RMI. The rest seems ok.

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