Form B in RMI has a discrepency

Issue #1303 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

The result in list view differs from the one in full preview.

Comments (4)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    The difference seems to come from the difference in CO Level values. The ones from the UI is not the same as the one from the view pInspectionREad.SCHOOL_ACCREDITATION

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    I think the problem is either of the following.

    The SSACRIT (equal partitions) should be the one used to compute the level of the Classroom Observations in RMI.

    Or, perhaps the error is in how the Partitions are configured in RMI.

    If fact, I think the fix is more correct in the Partition table configuration. The SSA partitions should also be even partitions in RMI just like they already are for SSCRIT.

  3. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    The fix. adjust the SSA partitions in Partitions table and then re-compute the Result that is stored on the SchoolInspection table. The following script was used for this.

    DECLARE @ssaBefore TABLE (
        schNo VARCHAR(10),
        inspResult VARCHAR(10),
        Result int
    DECLARE @ssaAfter TABLE (
        schNo VARCHAR(10),
        inspResult VARCHAR(10),
        Result int
    SELECT * FROM [dbo].[SchoolInspection]
    WHERE inspID in (Select inspID FROM pInspectionRead.SchoolInspections
    SELECT inspResult, COUNT(*) Result FROM [dbo].[SchoolInspection]
    WHERE inspID in (Select inspID FROM pInspectionRead.SchoolInspections WHERE InspTypeCode = 'SCHOOL_ACCREDITATION')
    GROUP BY inspResult
    INSERT INTO @ssaBefore
    SELECT schNo, inspResult, COUNT(*) Result FROM [dbo].[SchoolInspection]
    WHERE inspID in (Select inspID FROM pInspectionRead.SchoolInspections WHERE InspTypeCode = 'SCHOOL_ACCREDITATION')
    GROUP BY schNo, inspResult
    SELECT * FROM @ssaBefore ORDER BY schNo, inspResult;
    UPDATE [dbo].[SchoolInspection] SET inspResult = [dbo].[calcInspectionResult_RMI](inspID);
    SELECT * FROM [dbo].[SchoolInspection]
    WHERE inspID in (Select inspID FROM pInspectionRead.SchoolInspections
    SELECT inspResult, COUNT(*) Result FROM [dbo].[SchoolInspection]
    WHERE inspID in (Select inspID FROM pInspectionRead.SchoolInspections WHERE InspTypeCode = 'SCHOOL_ACCREDITATION')
    GROUP BY inspResult
    INSERT INTO @ssaAfter
    SELECT schNo, inspResult, COUNT(*) Result FROM [dbo].[SchoolInspection]
    WHERE inspID in (Select inspID FROM pInspectionRead.SchoolInspections WHERE InspTypeCode = 'SCHOOL_ACCREDITATION')
    GROUP BY schNo, inspResult
    SELECT * FROM @ssaAfter ORDER BY schNo, inspResult;
    SELECT * FROM @ssaBefore
    SELECT * FROM @ssaAfter
    ORDER BY schNo, inspResult;

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