Repetition rate in indicators more closely follows the percentage of repeaters

Issue #1364 new
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

I think the repetition rate of the EMIS indicators dashboard is more like the Percentage of Repeaters indicator than the Repetition Rate.

Percentage of Repeaters: Total number of pupils who are enrolled in the same grade as in a previous year, expressed as a
percentage of the total enrolment to the specified grade. Since VERMPAF is build from enrol & PupilTable → tableEnrol → enrolmentRatios the raw source of repeaters is really the “Total number of pupils who are enrolled in the same grade as in a previous year”.

Repetition Rate: Proportion of pupils from a cohort enrolled in a given grade at a given school year who study in the same grade in the following school year. This one technically requires data for two consecutive years. We do it when producing “flow” indicators dividing the Repeaters of Next Year by the Enrolment of this Year. It is typically a by grade indicator. Probably should eventually check the repeat rate in the individual school chart to see what this actually does and clarify there too.

At a minimum for now I think perhaps renaming this in the Indicators dashboard to avoid future questions on these indicators.

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