Two step approval process for Education Survey Tool cloud files

Issue #1366 new
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

The team in FSM would like to have an additional step before approval the Education Survey Tool cloud files. Here is from Delihda:

Another issue found with the tablet use is, there is no room for Core Team validation before Directors' approval. This was discussed in our last validation meeting in 2022. Can there be (something) to prompt approval after validation of Core Team?

The current practice is, as soon as a survey is on the cloud, it can be approved and validated at the same time. But we need that survey to be validated first (by the Core Team) then be approved by the Directors.

Perhaps the default could be as it is now with a single approval process. But a two step process could be enabled in the web.config. The new button would be “Validate” and would be done by the core team. Only after it is validated would the “Approve” button be enabled.

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