RESTful API for a Loaded School Inspection

Issue #1375 new
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Desirable feature that may be more effort than it is worth it. One concern users have is the ability to edit a loaded school accreditation. The typical way to edit those is how they were created--on the tablet. But if the cloud file is no longer accessible (Cloud account cleanup, change of Cloud service account) then it is no longer possible to retrieve it on the tablet, edit and reload.

Currently, a technical user could go in the system and modify the loaded XML data. Possible options to explore:

  • Provide a means to edit from the Web UI.
  • Provide a RESTful API from which the tablet would be able to retrieve and re-construct the survey where it can be edited and usual and reloaded.

First options seems the most straight forward but a new data entry for XML data is required.

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