Review unused libraries in bower

Issue #164 closed
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Various libraries have been added, or inherited from theme, that are not used or required. Purge!

Comments (10)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    jScrollPane- jquery plugin for pretty scroll bars. wrapped in a directive in theme. Unused

  2. Brian Lewis reporter

    jquery-autoresize - allows a textarea to resize according to its contents. Can;t find any references?

  3. Brian Lewis reporter

    jquery-validate : form validation. This is used by angular-validate, and does provide some declarative validation beyond angular out-of-the-box. Not used though - remove

  4. Brian Lewis reporter

    jquery-slimscroll - very nice little jquery plug in for making a div scrollable. Supports vertical only. Not use - no apparent support in theme?

  5. Brian Lewis reporter

    jquery-ui: "jquery.ui": "^1.11.4", - a significant library of jquery ui plug ins - quite a bot of literature about using this in angular directives - but not used. Remove until further notice

  6. Brian Lewis reporter

    jquery-inputmask =- versatile library for implementing input mask on an input. Can be deployed in a number of ways, including jquery plugin. Supported(?) by a directive in theme, but this does not add much since the plug in itself seems to support activation as an attribute.

    Removed - maybe revisit if needed.

  7. Brian Lewis reporter

    seiyria-bootstrap-slider: fullfeatured slider, but using angularjs-slider - maybe this decision should be reviewed? but it is only used on the color range designer in choropleths

    supported by theme in directive uiBsSlider

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