Record CDNs for remotables in Bower

Issue #165 closed
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

pull request #61 implmeneted the Remotables section in grunt with a True / False value to indicate whether the bower item should be remoted.

Replace this true false with the Url of the CDN, or an array of Urls. This creates a definitive home for these.

Note there are various grunt tasks around to 'cdnify' bower relations - so this could possibly be created automatically.

As well, the views\default\home\remote.cshtml could be constructed somehow from such as list - this would mean that the management of remoting is all done in one place ( ucrrently it is necessary to maintain the bower section 'remotable', and the remote.cshtml

Comments (1)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    next step is to consider using cdnjs api and request node module to discover the correct cdn

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