Review Tooltips on all Charts

Issue #170 closed
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

In particular no tooltips yet on AtAGlance historical charts. Some discussions from Brian:

d3-tip: what's happening is the d3-tip is bound to each databound svg object in the chart, which in a bar chart is a bar representing a single datum. Here the svg object is a path representing the entire series. So I can see that d3-tip is centring the tool-tip on the series, and displaying the first the first element of the data series as the value.... needs a bit of further thinking...!

I suspect the best answer to getting these tooltips to work on a line chart is going to be to add markers at each point on the line chart, and put the d3-tip on the marker.

To get markers on a line chart in plottable, you superimpose a scatter (X-Y) chart with the same data and same axes. They do it in the examples here:

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