Add support to generate vermdata from Web UI

Issue #177 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

New methods are in the API (pull request #67) to makevermdata and read live vermdata ( ie generate the xml directly fro the database and return it to the client).

Create a front end around these.

Comments (5)

  1. Ghislain Hachey

    from skype:

    Pretty cool work in issue177 BTW, this is a real bonus. The only thing is that in the docs will have to make it very clear that when installing SQL server should be installed with non-default locale using locale we use in pineapples database. Otherwise, this causes problems in associated stored procs. Unless you already found a clever solution to this? Me, I had to re-install my SQL Server with the same local to get it to completely run and generate vermdata

  2. Brian Lewis reporter

    the api endpoint api/mande/livevermdata generates the xml directly from the database and sends it back to the client. the cached copy is not changed.

    The endpoint api/mande/makevermdata genretes the xml from the live data, then saves that to the cached file, then sends it to the client.

    try these in fiddler composer Capture.PNG

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