Discuss Teacher Feature

Issue #190 closed
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Moving these discussions into its own issue:

So I'm writing down some notes here to keep in mind with our way forward with this.

  • As discussed we must implement the missing parts to use the data in Teacher tables (TeacherIdentity, TeacherAppointment, Establishment, TeacherTraining etc.)
  • TeacherTraining seems to be the place to record both education degrees and specialised education certifications (confusing! why?) yet I don't see a link to lkpTeacherTraining only lkpTeacherQual. Example, in RMI I have Provisional Certificate, Professional Certificate 1, etc. in lkpTeacherTraining which would be nice to have has column in TeacherTraining.
  • Why can't we simply have a TeacherTraining linking to lkpTeacherTraining (formal institute degrees) and TeacherQualifications linking to lkpTeacherQualification (educational specialised certifications)?
  • the lkpTeacherStatus (e.g. in RMI Contracted Full Time Marshallese, Contracted Full Time ExPat, Probationary , Regular Full Time - Marshallese, Temporary Employee) does not link anywhere I can see in a non-survey environment for teachers. Should this status data be attached to a TeacherIdentity or a TeacherAppointment? Probably TeacherIdentity?!

I think we will need more vocabs here too.Pineapples' "Qualifications" in RMI is referred to "Education" (as in their college or uni degrees) Pineapples' "Training" in RMI is referred to "Certifications" (as in educational specialised certifications)

Comments (1)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter
    • changed status to closed
    • edited description

    Things have moved on, questions answered and new approaches will be discussed and documented elsewhere

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