Maps Icons Missing

Issue #198 wontfix
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

From Andrew:

Schools Map; just need to change the default icon for 'multiple' schools

Comments (4)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    This is currently a grey circle - a placeholder for the spiderfier... not sure what fails here?

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    I could not see or reproduce what Andrew raised. I documented it anyway. For me the default is a coloured circle with the number of school under it. Which is what I would expect. Unless I uncheck the "Clustered" feature then I simply get a grey circle. This I would rather see a number of schools directly in the grey circle as oppose to having to hover over it for this information.

  3. Brian Lewis repo owner

    There's 2 different techniques here - the clustering groups all markers that are close into a single marker with the number in it. At a certain resolution, the individual markers will be displayed. But what happens when the markers are in exactly the same place? Then there is no way to separate them. In this instance - when all markers are displayed but 2 or more are in identical locations - you get the grey circle - which responds to the 'OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier' by splitting them out to a circle or spiral when you click on marker. Once they are 'spiderfied', you can click on each of the school markers.

    So we could consider a different icon for the spiderfier placeholder marker - ie the grey circle.... open to suggestions? Bear in mind we need an icon, so we could conceivably have pre-rendered icons that have '2' '3' in the middle..... I don;t want to get into trying to place the number somehow and it's not worth it when in practical terms the only choices are 2 or 3.

  4. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Maybe revisit the whole GIS component at some point in future but works well enough for the time being.

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