Entity Framework - reporting server validation errors (422) on the client

Issue #227 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Under EF, data validations can occur at 3 points : 1) client-side : using html tags (minlength, maxlength required etc) - these will feed into the angular validation system, marking the form as valid/invalid. 2) Server-side - as data is moved into the EF class for an object, errors may be generated according to the DataAnnotations on this object 3) database - inside the SQL server, errors may be generated ( missing foreign references) e.g.

2) is new under EF. In this circumstance EF throws a DbEntityValidationException , which has the specific exceptions as a member collection. This collection of errors is being returned with HTTP code 422


However, the client-side error handling scheme is not dealing with this or reporting correctly.

Comments (3)

  1. Ghislain Hachey

    Yes, it would be nice to have a unified error handling that consistently reports clearly to the user what went wrong, where it went wrong and ideally an email sent to developers email list or something like that.

  2. Ghislain Hachey

    Note I have noticed this at least once with School edit with a school name larger then the annotation on the entity. I've "fixed" it by correcting the maxlength (see #239). But the issue described herein is still present and would be great to address it so leaving this open.

  3. Ghislain Hachey

    I think the frontend now handles various error correctly. Raise individual issues for new cases if/when found.

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