at a glance - by province or authority

Issue #24 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

design the contents of at a glance by province or authority

Comments (4)

  1. Ghislain Hachey

    My opinion on this is like this. This should jut be a simple drop downbox select with options: "By Provinces", "By Authority". When selecting say "By Province" a dynamic list of provinces would appear below with all of them checked (or one of them). Then the use could choose which one to include in the grid data set. This very same filtering would also work with the historical data. For example, if a user has selected "By Provinces" and has only "Guadalcanal checked marked and then decides to go historical charts tab he woudl also see the same filters and the charts already updated. He could then subsequently continue filtering there too and move back to the Grid view to obverse in that formay with latest filter options.

  2. Brian Lewis reporter

    The introduction of the "warehouse" schema makes this more feasible. The precalculated xml file 'vermdata' is quite large even for national statistics, and would be prohibitive if split again by province. On the other hand, calculating on the fly is too slow. But the warehouse views can still be relatively small, and quick to produce. I'm thinking the best way to deliver some manipulation of this data as GH describes would be to use crossfilter / dcjs.

  3. Ghislain Hachey

    Resolving this as we have ability to disaggregate by district. More fancy stuff can be looked at in their own issues. Example using crossfilter as Brian suggested.

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